Here is a quick introduction to the World of FunkyPilot Academy,
I gave a brief introduction to Comic Books in my previous post. This time I’m going to talk more specifically about FunkyPilot ACademy comic book series.
FunkyPilot Academy takes place in Jetville, a fictional city somewhere in someplace. After realizing he can hear airplanes talking to him, our central character, Captain Jack Williams, loses his job. As a pilot with a passion for aviation, he can’t stand staying home doing anything, so he opens a flight school in his garage and starts mentoring his neighborhood kids.
This doesn’t happen easily, though! Jack loves flying but has had bad experiences working as an instructor and has no interest in teaching again.

However, Jack finally agrees to give it a try after his relentless neighborhood kids don’t leave him alone.
Three kids, Mike, Charlie, and Echo, are the ones who convince Jack to start school. None of them are old enough to get a pilot’s license yet, but you can never start learning too early.

The class is later joined by Viktor, a computer genius, who helps them build a flight simulator.
In this fictional world, anything can happen; for example, airplanes, animals, and objects could talk. The central theme is that Jack can talk with airplanes, and people think he is crazy… We’ll see how that turns out!
Every issue of FunkyPilot Academy will teach you bits and pieces of what it takes to become a pilot. You will learn from aerodynamics to pilot certificates and from training to fly in simulators to real airplanes.
Learning can be fun! That’s what FunkyPilot Academy is all about!
See Jack’s students progress through private pilot training, instrument flying, etc., and follow their adventures in the world of aviation!
Best regards,
Vesa Turpeinen

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Flight Training, Learning to Fly, and Working as a Pilot Can Be Joyful and Fun! That’s what FunkyPilot Academy is all about!
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