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    FunkyPilot Academy LogoFunkyPilot Academy Issue 1

    For FunkyPilot Academy updates: https://funkypilot.lpages.co/fpa

    I might have mentioned I always wanted to start a flight school? Well, now it’s happening! …Kind of.

    Check out my new comic book series about aviation! FunkyPilot Academy is soon Available on Kickstarter!

    Sign up for updates here: https://funkypilot.lpages.co/fpa

    FunkyPilot Academy Covers

    Sign up for updates on FunkyPilot Academy here: https://funkypilot.lpages.co/fpa

    Also, The Second Book of my Award-Winning Pilot Career Series is Available Now! 

    Pilot Career Book 2 What to Expect from Flight Training When you Want to Become a Commercial Pilot

    What to Expect From Flight Training! When You Want to Become a Commercial Pilot

    is my second book. If you followed the 10 steps I explained in LEARN TO FLY AND BECOME A PILOT! then reading this should be your 11th step for becoming a pilot!

    The first book of the pilot career series answered questions such as: How does one become a pilot? How much does flight training cost? What is the best flight school for me? What are the jobs available for pilots? How much salary do pilots earn? What are the benefits and downsides of working as a pilot? etc. etc.

    At the end of the first book, I gave you ten action steps to get started on your journey on becoming a pilot. My second book is your 11th step.

    What to Expect From Flight Training! 

    The second book of the series explains in detail what you are going to do in flight school. This book is essential reading so that you can smoothly progress through your training.

    I signed up for training without knowing what to expect. This is the book I wish I had read before I ever step my foot into a flight school. Reading this book would have made my training not just easier, but also cheaper.

    The purpose of this book is not to explain any technical areas in detail. Instead, it will give you an overview of the training so you can mentally prepare for it. I will explain what you are going to do in the air and in the ground; how to prepare for written exams, oral exams, and practical (flying) exams.

    This book is easy to read in a Kindle or paperback format. You can take it anywhere, unlike those huge flight manuals that you need to set on a desk. Check it out if you want to become a pilot! 

    Get it here: Amazon Link: What to Expect from Flight Training! When You Want to Become a Commercial Pilot

    Learn to Fly and Become a Pilot Book Cover


    Amazon Bestseller!

    Readers Favorite Book Award for Learn to Fly and Become a Pilot!Amazon Bestseller for Learn to Fly and Become a Pilot!
    Learn to Fly and Become a Pilot Book Cover
    Pilot career series book 2

    The Pilot Career Series - Book 2

    Available Now!

    Pilot career series book 3

    The Pilot Career Series - Book 3

    Available 2020!

    Pilot career series book 4

    The Pilot Career Series - Book 4

    Available Later!

    Pilot career series book 5

    The Pilot Career Series - Book 5

    Stay tuned!

    Welcome to FunkyPilot Blog!

    My name is Vesa Turpeinen. I am a corporate airline captain working in Hangzhou, China. I am originally from Finland, but I have lived abroad since 2000. I spent about seven years in the United States, first learning to fly, then studying at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University for my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. And now I have been living and working in China since 2007.

    In this blog, I will share my stories of nearly two decades of flying and traveling around the world. My blog should provide entertainment and education to just about everyone as I share my true pilot and travel stories in a not-so-serious way! I will also share many videos in my posts.

    To learn more about me, please check out My Story. For my awesome travel stories from the coolest places on Earth go to the Travel section. And in my Aviation page, I will share your exciting stories from my flight career!

    I hope you enjoy my blog!

    Vesa Turpeinen

    About My Categories


    Travel category is a big part of my blog. I have visited over 50 countries and countless cities because of my job. It is a lot of fun to visit new places on someone else’s dime, stay in nice hotels, and even getting paid for it. The downside with work trips is that you can’t choose where you go or how long you stay. Also during work trips you are constantly on duty and flight schedules can change suddenly.

    It’s always fun to work when you have the right job! 

    I don’t travel just for work; the best travel experiences are always the vacations I have with my wife! That’s when I don’t need to worry about schedule changes or hanging out with annoying crew members. 🙂 On these personal vacations we are free to choose where we go and what we do; and I rarely like to go to same place twice. I like visiting new places and trying different things!

    But personal vacations are still the best trips! 

    Travel Posts


    When you website is called FunkyPilot Lifestyle Blog you better have something pilot life related stuff to talk about. Well, I have tons of aviation related stories to share. My Aviation category is further divided into three sub-categories that in many cases overlap at the moment.


    In my Aircraft Page I have listed the 18 different types of aircraft models, and their variations, that I have flown. My goal is write at least one post about each of them. I’m not going to write many technical details about them; that information you can easily find from Wikipedia or from the aircraft manufacturer’s websites. Instead I am writing about my flight experiences in flying each types of planes.

    Flight Experiences

    From my Flight Experiences page you can find all my flight experience posts in all different types of airplanes. I have owned some kind of a video camera since I started flying in 2000, so you can find many video blog posts from there also.  Ever wondered how to fly a jet aircraft? How does it look from the cockpit if the airplane is stalled and spinning towards the ground? How do you operate a seaplane? All these questions are answered in my Flight Experiences.

    Flight Training

    I spent a major part of my flight career training pilots. I was working in different flight instructor jobs from 2001 to 2012. Can’t believe it lasted eleven years! I even worked as a Chief Flight Instructor in a major Chinese government owned flight school for three years.

    Very few pilots work as a flight instructors that long in the beginning of their careers but I didn’t have many choices. Although I did my flight training and my university education in the United States I was not allowed to work there after my student visas expired. I couldn’t go fly in Europe because I didn’t have European pilot licenses. I was, and still am, an outcast from the Western aviation community!

    Luckily China provided me an opportunity to fly here after an easy license conversion. As a result I have years worth of flight training experiences and expertise to share. In my Flight Training page I will share my blog posts about my experiences working as a flight instructor or as a student pilot. In addition I will review some flight training products there and offer links to download lots of free flight training materials.

    Aviation Posts

    Why did I Start a Blog?

    About a year ago I was reading some travel blogs looking for information for my up coming roadtrip in Australia. I was planning a vacation with my wife and we were going to drive from Sydney to Melbourne. One of the travel blogs that I was browsing had some excellent information explaining exactly what I was looking for.

    It was basically just someone telling his personal experiences driving the route. I started wondering why people write these kinds of blogs? Quickly found out it’s for money of course! …aand a great idea came to my mind; “Hey, I bet I travel more than that guy! Why don’t I start a travel blog?!”

    And that’s how I got started. Blogging is certainly not as easy as I thought, but I’m learning as I work on this website.

    You might be interested about how to make money out of this? Or how to build a website like this?

    I’m not an expert blogger yet but, I’m happy share how I’m doing this in my monthly Newsletters. Just go ahead a Subscribe as a reader!

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