Introducing the FunkyPilot Flight Training Scholarship

By |2020-12-12T17:38:27+08:00December 12th, 2020|Aviation, My Story, Uncategorized|

Introducing the FunkyPilot Scholarship – A Flight Training Scholarship for Students in Need of Financial Help! 🔥🔥🔥100% OF 2020 FUNKYPILOT STORE PROFITS GO TO FUNKYPILOT SCHOLARSHIP FUND! A FLIGHT TRAINING SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED FOR EXCEPTIONAL STUDENTS IN NEED OF FINANCIAL HELP!🔥🔥🔥 For more information email me at [email protected] To help to fund the Scholarships, shop now at the FunkyPilot Store.

Living and Working in China during the Coronavirus Outbreak

By |2020-02-15T14:10:07+08:00February 14th, 2020|Aviation, My Story, Travel, Uncategorized|

14-day Curfew in Hangzhou So, I have been stuck in my apartment for the last week or so.  That’s because I live in Hangzhou, China, and there are some restrictions in place. I had a two-night trip from China to Cambodia recently. When I came back to Hangzhou, the gate guards at my apartment complex told me about the new restrictions. All this, of course, because of the coronavirus outbreak. I was told I should stay home for the next 14-days. They told me the 14-day rule is not a complete house arrest though, I could leave my apartment if I needed to leave the country, or if I had a work trip. I had to get a work-proof letter from my company explaining I work as a pilot. The letter would allow me to leave my apartment complex if necessary. This was about a week ago, and things [...]

Flight Experience 9 – Flying Over Gobi Desert – Flight of the Phoenix Style!

By |2018-03-17T09:50:02+08:00March 16th, 2018|Aviation, Flight Experience, Flight Training, My Story|

Flight Experience 9 - Diamond DA40-180 This is a post about my experiences flying a Diamond Star DA40-180 airplanes in China. I also talk about moving to different cities in China during my first year in the country. My First Job in China When I first moved to China back in 2007 I was hired to fly and teach pilot students in Diamond Star DA40-180 airplanes. They are single engine, four seat, airplanes used by many flight schools for pilot training. It had a 180 horsepower Lycoming gasoline engine. I had never flown this specific aircraft type at the time although I had close to 2000 hours flight experience in similar size airplanes. Getting ready for my first Diamond Aircraft DA40 flight in Shijiazhuang Airport, China.  Diamond Star DA40 The major difference with the Diamond Star was that it was the first “glass cockpit” airplane I [...]

Vesa and Wang Yan Pre-Wedding Travel Video

By |2017-12-31T11:03:16+08:00December 31st, 2017|My Story|

As I start my blog I want to share a video I made for my wedding in 2014. This video gives you an idea who I am and gives me some credibility as a traveler and an aviator. The video is slightly over an hour long, and it will probably be the longest video I will ever post here. It is the first this type of "music video" I have done using a movie editor. There are some parts I wish I could edit but unfortunately I lost some of the source files couple years ago. To edit it now would take a considerable amount of time as I would basically have to recreate the whole video. Creating the video was a very personal and important project for me and it will be part of the "My Story" page in this blog.

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