Flight Experience 1 – The Day that Shocked the World

By |2020-02-15T14:08:41+08:00December 31st, 2017|Aircraft, Aviation, Flight Training|

Flight Experience 1 - Cessna 152 I was planning to write a post introducing my first training aircraft, the Cessna 152. But the internet is full of detailed technical information about the aircraft, so writing about the aircraft would add little value to anyone. Instead of writing about the aircraft I decided to describe an experience I had flying this particular type of aircraft. I will provide few details and a brief description about the aircraft on my aircraft page, but if you are interested to learn more technical details about the aircraft then you should check out Wikipedia for example. Cessna 152 Day as a Flight Instructor About four months into my flight instructing days I was working in Kissimmee, Florida, just outside Orlando. It was my first job as a pilot and I wanted to fly as much as possible. During [...]